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VNR GAME Translator and Writer
I'm a U.S. Nomad who writes and creates vnr yaoi games and translates (re-writes) Japanese yaoi games into US English.
18+ Erotica, Yaoi, BL
Games, Fictions
& Translations
Cum, play & enjoy a 24/7 BL buffet!
of Fan Based Translations
Spideera's Yaoi
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& Get All the yaoi/Bl Games, Translations & Fictions

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The progress button above will provide updates on current and pending projects and services.
There's a lot of work being done all the time, so to keep communication simple, all questions, concerns, announcements and requests will be addressed in the blog. (the Progress button above).
If you would like to help in any way, please comment there (or send an e-mail). All assistance is appreciated. These projects are being created with sweat equity as I'm not a trust fund baby LMAO
Thank you for dropping by
May your day be filled with happiness & joy and your mind filled with lots of dicks, pricks and cocks!
(A life should never suck, get pickles instead,.... pickles are for sucking)
Special Note from a salty writer:
I am (for all intent and purposes) considered a U.S. citizen (but due to our unspoken caste system-more a captive (pow) than a citizen - but I digress).
The former land of the free has been taken over by an oppressive religious regime who seems okay with fictions pertaining to death and degradation but who have a hard time accepting love or any depictions of it in any form.
Government regulation has made this hobby more difficult so I will no longer offer certain translations or stories for sale but rather through membership only.
Most of my more risque fictions will also require 'members only' access.
Most of what I produce is already labeled as "adult only", anything safe for kids are labeled "YA for Young Adult".
Although most of us understand what a label is, the government has decided there must be extra notifications as if content about relationships is somehow harmful to the general public.
Since these creations are made for adults only, I trust "we" are old enough to choose what we want to play, watch, read and see, something our government has decided we are incapable of choosing for ourselves.
There will always be ample information to accommodate each item listed so you only access what you want and not what you don't. (Like products have always been labeled even BEFORE uncle Sam has decided, that since they don't read, the rest of us can't either. SMH)
So, since they want to regulate, dicks, cocks and ejaculation but not guns...this website will adhere to the rules and government guides to make sure everyone knows that these stories contain sexual verbiage.
Although there are no live action or graphic pictures depicting sex or involving minors, I still have to inform you that most of the content and stories contain written descriptions of sexual activities.
(Why? Because the US government has changed the definition of pornography, to somehow include 'written words' which would otherwise not be part of the word pornography)
Apparently, although reading is fundamental it is not required to hold office in the United States....CLEARLY.
Since they have randomly decided to expand the definition of pornography, apparently any story containing sex scenes can be seen as pornographic although graphic (being part of the word) denotes or implies a visual depiction aka a picture and most written stories and novels don't contain pictures .... sooo anyway... sigh.
To all the fans, I apologize on behalf of our illiterate governing bodies who require we all subject one another to red tape and nonsense because nipples are being considered in congress as to whether they will be seen as offensive or not; while decapitation is still just fine in any kids book.
(Notice how if these were stories about killer teddy bears eating livers out of sleeping babies it would not require a disclaimer)
I would like to take a moment out of my rant to thank each and every one of you in advance for supporting the creation of more BL/yaoi entertainment for all of us mega-fans to enjoy!
*This mini rant is authorized and covered by the 1st amendment of the United States Constitution.
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